Coming off auto-pilot
I have noticed again and again that so many people experience the ongoing theme of self-sabotage in their life. Why is this? Why do people who even perhaps practice meditation, yoga or are interested in personal development continually recreate the same forms of suffering and drama in their life?
After a while it becomes clear that many people are really on auto-pilot. They understand the significance of emotional intelligence but fail to undergo genuine inner transformation.
I believe that we are at a point of human evolution where we have the opportunity to experience a leap in consciousness, a profound awakening.
And yet even some people who are aware of the global awakening simply do not have the self-awareness to create balance and harmony in their life. All that is unhealed and shunned is now coming to the surface to be healed, to be addressed and to be understood. I feel that ignorance is now no longer an option. We are now confronted with our shadow with an increased intensity and a deeper transparency. It appears that the mirror is being held in front of us with a greater degree of clarity and hiding is simply not the solution. The shift in consciousness does not require us to be perfect but it does require real growth and a more compassionate, heart-centred way of being.
It is well known that our mind is divided into the conscious aspect and the subconscious aspect. The conscious aspect is as little as 10% of our mind. 90% of our mind is subconscious. How can we then expect to harmonise our being if by definition 90% of our mind is subconscious and we are therefore not aware of it?
We need tools. Real tools.
It is for this reason that I teach the Enneagram, a personality typing system that is the most profound form of personal development I have ever discovered. The Greeks stated “know thyself”. I am often telling people that the Enneagram knows you better than you know yourself. It illuminates your core patterns, your wounds, your limitations and your shadow. It then takes the process further by revealing to you why you do what you do. This is the true power of the Enneagram. How can you really expect to change if you do not know why you do what you do?
The Enneagram then provides methods and techniques that are specific to your personality type in order for you to grow, awaken and evolve.
Carpe Diem!