Enneagram | Holistic Yoga & Meditation

I am continuously amazed by the power of the Enneagram to create genuine transformation.

Anthony O'Flynn

The Enneagram – a profound tool for personal development

The Enneagram is a practical and sophisticated system for personal development that embraces your unique strengths. The Enneagram provides perceptive insights into yourself and others, while offering useful techniques to harmonise your inner world.

Transform your self-defeating limitations into increased self-awareness and deep self-empowerment. Understand others and improve your relationships.

Transform your self-defeating limitations

A deeply transforming personality typing system

The Enneagram is a deeply transforming personality typing system based on the 9 fundamental personality types that provides profound insights into how you act, think and relate to others. Each of us embody one of the 9 personality types regardless of our age, occupation or belief system.

Unique to you

One of the amazing aspects of the Enneagram is that it offers 9 different paths for personal development that are unique to the attributes of your individual personality type. This means there are 9 different paths to growth instead of just 1 in the traditional model of personal development. Your arena of growth is directly tailored to your personality type which produces rapid awakening. 

Freedom from patterns

Learn how to free yourself from habitual unconscious behavioural patterns that create emotional and mental suffering for you and those around you. These patterns can dominate your life and lead to unwanted forms of self-sabotage. 

Would you like to fast-track your way to enhanced confidence, self-acceptance and increased compassion for yourself and others?  


Are you ready to stop banging your head and create a new balanced, peaceful and inspired way of living?

What can the Enneagram do for me?

The Enneagram is considered to be the world's most influentual and insightful personality typing system. The Enneagram offers you – 

  • A clear path for your own growth that is specific to your own personality type.
  • Tools and strategies to help you transform your inner landscape.
  • Your personal strengths and how you can use them to your best advantage.
  • An understanding of others and how they go about getting their needs met.
  • An understanding of the ways you create self-sabotage in your life.
  • Knowledge of your desires that are deeply embedded in your subconscious mind and not readily accessible by the conscious mind.
  • Understand at a profound level why you do what you do and how you 'trip' yourself up.

  •  Methods to harmonise your relationships with others and in the process develop better interpersonal skills.

What they say

I’ve studied psychology via degree and post graduate, yet had more insight into personalities through this course than any other.


The Enneagram – from shadow to light has given me the opportunity to further my understanding of this amazing tool. Anthony presents this course in a practical and ‘down to earth’ way that makes the course content easy to engage with.


A deeply enriching course that connects you to the deepest parts of yourself, your suffering and the causes for your own happiness.
