Do you know yourself?
‘Know thyself’ the Greeks stated. You may know your favourite colour or your favourite movie but that is not what I am talking about. What does it truly mean to know yourself? Yes even the less charming aspects. It can be confronting believe me.
Yet it is this inner quest that actually gives us the deepest peace. Why? Because it is only when we truly understand ourselves that we can begin to heal. We can only heal what we truly feel. This means to open to life instead of contracting. It is easy to see everyone else’s limitations but often we have a blind spot to our own issues.
Explore your inner landscape
The Enneagram is essentially a blueprint of consciousness. It is a map that shows you who you are and what you need to do to heal and transform your inner world to experience states of greater peace and a deeper understanding of others. The Enneagram is a tool I believe that can help you to understand yourself in ways that no other modality can.
Approximately 90% of your mind is subconscious.
How then can you really know yourself if 90% of your mind is subconscious and therefore by definition you do not have the awareness of it? You can’t. It’s that simple. That is what makes this personality typing system so powerful. There are 9 fundamental personality types. The Enneagram is not trying to put a label on you. The label is already there, you just don’t know it yet. The Enneagram is an opportunity to remove the label or uninstall the computer program that is operating in both your conscious and subconscious mind. You know the one. The one that makes sure you self-sabotage your life, reminds you to have low feelings of self-worth, creates disharmony in your relationships and ensures those limitations and unwanted patterns repeat themselves over and over again, often showing up at the worst moments. Oh yeah we all know about that computer program. We know it too well! Is there a delete button you ask?
And here is the rub
A great deal of personal development focuses on addressing your patterns and seeks to inspire you to change. Yet the Enneagram takes this one step further. The Enneagram will not only reveal your deep-seated patterns it will allow you to see why you do what you do. The why of what you do is the subconscious impulse that generates these patterns. It is the aspect of your being that causes you to react rather than respond. Once you understand why you do what you do, you can begin the journey of genuine transformation. It is essential to understand why you do what you do in order to move forward, let go and evolve.
Moving forward
The Enneagram understands that we have different challenges and this is reflected in the 9 different personality types. So not only are there 9 different types but 9 different programs or patterns and therefore also 9 different solutions to the various challenges of each type. As I often state, the Enneagram knows you better than you know yourself. It is the solution to much of your self-defeating and limiting behaviour and a path to deeper self-acceptance, balance and inner peace. The most important relationship you have in your life journey is the one you have with yourself. It never ends.