How is your new year's resolution going?

The new year always brings with it, the concept of resolutions and the promise of change. Although the title of a Star Wars film, A new hope aptly summarises the prospects the new year brings. And yes hope is wonderful but too often hope is all a new year’s resolution brings. Hope does not confirm change, it simply indicates the potential.
How are your new year resolutions shaping up? Maybe that is the issue right there. You are multi-tasking your resolutions. Yes that’s right you have too many. Real change requires a laser-like focus. Jim Collins stated, “If you have more than three priorities, then you don’t have any.” You want it all. I get it. But what do you really want to change? This requires prioritising. What is number 1 for you this year? Take a breath. Feel into it.
Now focus on your WHY
What is the driving motivator behind your choice? You have got to know your why. Ultimately, behind most of the resolutions are an attempt to change the way you feel, your emotional state, and your state of being.
So at a deeper level discover your why. This allows your will power and your motivation to spring from within. This is essential to maintain your focus, your consistency and your commitment.
Focus on changing just 1 aspect of your life
If you focus on changing just 1 aspect of your life, dropping just 1 bad habit or introducing just 1 good one, your chances of success are much greater. This focus also gives you greater clarity. Sure the new year is a blank canvas, a time to reboot the system but deciding what is really important to us gives clearness and a lightness to the mind. We are no longer scattered and pulled in many different directions.
Make this year count
It is a daily process and an opportunity for a fresh start. Real change is exciting. Professor Harold Hill stated, “ you pile up enough tomorrow’s, and you’ll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterday’s.” So each day is a new chance to make new choices perhaps better choices to take you to a higher vibration and ultimately a place of deeper peace and joy.
Make your bed each day
Here is a simple tip. In 2017, perhaps it is a good idea to adopt the saying of aim low and succeed. It was revealed that in a survey of over 68 000 people, 59% of people do not make their bed. Surprisingly, 71% of bed-makers consider themselves happy, while 62% of those who do not make their bed stated they were unhappy. The study also indicated that bed-makers were more likely to like their job, frequently exercise, own a home and feel rejuvenated. In contrast, non bed-makers disliked their job, rented an apartment, did not exercise and woke up unrefreshed.