Tantra / Video / Spirituality
Nourishing your feminine wholeness
You came here to experience life in its fullness, to express yourself and to share your unique qualities with the world – and to embrace every moment as a precious opportunity for your inner and outer world to thrive.
Unfortunately you may go though life feeling as if something is missing. Having a sense that if things were only different you could be a greater version of yourself...
You came here to be you – all of you
The great news is that by embracing all that you are - the light and the dark you can reclaim your feminine wholeness and release an ocean of beauty and strength that reside within you.
You may feel the need to fit into an idea of who you should be. You may worry that you are too much or not enough and resorting to disown or suppress parts of your being such as your anger or your sensuality.
When tucking away parts of who you are your body and spirit contracts – and you end up going through life feeling as if something is missing – because something is missing those parts of you that you have suppressed and hidden away in your shadow.
You did not come here to fit into your or somebody else’s a limited idea of who you should be – you came here to be you – all of you. In all your glory! You came to experience life in its fullness through all that you are.
Reclaim your feminine wholeness
You can reclaim your feminine wholeness by embracing every aspect of your being, the light and dark, the wild and gentle and by bringing your shadow into the light of your consciousness.
Nourish your wholeness by learning how to balance you inner masculine and feminine and by resting into your feminine essence by getting out of your head and into your body.
From this place you can learn to listen to your body and soul and allow it to soften and be open to what life brings.
By being in flow with the natural rhythm of life your feminine force can awaken in its fullness.
"Deep within you is a soulful, gentle, powerful & radiant being waiting for an invitation to shine its light to the world."
There is an enormous relief in letting go
Letting go frees up an abundance of energy that can now be released into your life for greater aspiration, focus and creativity. And everything gets better your relationship with yourself, your partner, children career - because your life is now a full expression of you. All of you!
I invite you to join me on this journey of feminine wholeness and give yourself permission to blossom and celebrate every aspect of your life.