Tantra / Spirituality
Polarity the spark of attraction
Tantra is a way of life. Its wisdom is equally applicable today as it was thousands of years ago.
One aspect of Tantra is the integration of opposites. This is the seed for attraction and the essence of polarity. The Sun and the moon, the light and the dark and the plus and the minus are all examples of this duality that characterises this world. Even the very cells of our body are made up of + and – and the entire universe is vibrating with this perennial attraction.
Attraction, spark & polarity
The mystery of attraction and this spark is the essence of polarity. The masculine essence and the feminine essence reflect this magical polarity. Men and women are designed by the cosmic plan to be different. Tantra teaches us to integrate the differences and at a deeper level to celebrate the polarity that the masculine and the feminine offers. Where there is electricity in a relationship, there is polarity.
The cosmic dance
The path of Tantra involves playing this game and dancing the dance of polarity. The union of the masculine and feminine is in essence a cosmic dance.
Ultimately men and women both have a masculine and feminine component, yet practitioners of Tantra seek to amplify the polarity to sustain attraction, which is a major challenge in long-term relationships. One secret of maintaining attraction is to create polarity and understand the masculine/feminine dynamic that we all possess and with increased self-awareness use polarity as a tool for a fulfilling and passionate relationship. This will assist in creating a natural harmony and balance in a relationship with a flow of energy that is self-sustaining and nurturing.
Experiencing wholeness
In essence, polarity is a deeper yearning to feel whole, connected and complete. The Tantric path is simply a method to experience these profound states that we all seek, even if it is unconscious.
To embrace the polarity of energy is to firstly connect with your own being and to celebrate this divine birthright and then your polar opposite will become apparent through this new state of conscious awareness that embodies a deeper level of self-understanding and self-knowledge. One elevated aspect of this divine union is lovemaking, which ultimately is simply a physical expression of the merging of these two polar opposites that fuse into one as the dance deepens and the experience of wholeness compliments and encompasses the lovers.