The power of gratitude | Holistic Yoga & Meditation

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The power of gratitude

By Anthony O'Flynn

The power of gratitude

Gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratus, which means ‘thankful’ or ‘pleasing’. It is our experience of receiving a gift. Every language has the word for giving thanks. It is a universal experience for all of humanity. We all know and understand how to give thanks.

Gratitude is a choice we make each day.

We can choose to take our life and all of the beautiful things in it for granted or we can choose appreciation.  If we look for something to give thanks for we will always find it. Our focus determines whether we experience gratefulness and joy or experience jealousy and in turn compare our self to others, which often invites disappointment. 

Shifting focus towards everything good and positive

Practicing gratitude instantly shifts our focus towards everything that is good and positive in our life. It is a technique that is significant in positive psychology as ultimately what we focus on we feel.

Connecting to your heart chakra

This simple practice can have powerful results. Gratitude will also directly connect us to our heart and assists in the activation of our heart chakra – anahata chakra. This feeling of spontaneous joy, love and inspired living is a very high state of consciousness and gratitude can act as a doorway through which we enter to experience this state.

Gratitude as medicine 

Furthermore, gratitude can reduces stress, increase well-being and happiness, strengthen the immune system, provide better sleep, assist to experience more positive emotions and is an overall invitation to appreciation and peace.

Tune into all that is good

Gratitude is an essential aspect to a happy life. If we are not content and happy with the good things that we already have in our life, then why would having more make us any happier? It is illogical to have this view. Appreciation connects us to have thanks and then we are more attuned to all that is good and we see that our cup is overflowing rather than empty.

Develop an attitude of gratitude and watch your inner landscape transform.
Ask yourself – what do I have to be grateful for?

See, it’s easy!

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius

About the author

Anthony O'Flynn

Holistic Life Coach & Mentor, Educator, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Yoga, Meditation, Tantra & Mindfulness Teacher

Anthony is a true pioneer in the field of modern spirituality. His approach allows him to navigate a broad range of topics and modalities while drawing connections and offering profound insights into consciousness and the spiritual path. Anthony’s purpose is to awaken individuals to the power of the human soul and discover a life of true purpose and inspiration.

His ability to link the ancient and the modern provides a bridge between traditional spirituality and a 21st century lifestyle. His approach is insightful and his audience enjoys his spirited humour, profound knowledge and light-hearted style of communicating timeless truths.

Anthony's message expresses a true wisdom that can only be accumulated by well over 20 years of experience on the path, complete with breakthroughs, mistakes, dead-ends, realisations, acceptance and joy for the profound journey of life.  

Anthony regards himself as an eternal student but it is the role of awakener and educator that is apparent through the countless workshops, courses, retreats and events that he facilitates. He is a skilled presenter and speaker with an ability to articulately communicate concepts that ‘stick’ with the audience creating many ‘a-ha’ moments and genuine transformations that represent his unique gift.

As a certified life-coach, Anthony is also passionate about personal development and uses the tool of the Enneagram to support the removing of blocks and assist to inspire his clients to be the best version of themselves. Anthony has embraced the path of Tantra since 1999 and he draws on his extensive experience in this field in the teaching of Tantric sexuality.

After studying at university for six years and completing a Masters in Communications at Monash University in Melbourne, Anthony embarked on a global expedition travelling across the globe. Anthony’s life-long interest in mysticism dramatically intensified on a trip to India in 1999, where he began to practice yoga and meditation. This turning point led to a deeper spiritual integration and led Anthony to spend more than two years of his life in India. Anthony deeply immersed himself in the practice of yoga, meditation and studied numerous diverse paths and topics related to spirituality.

Anthony is also the Director of the Paradigm Shift Summit, which is a movement of socially and spiritually aware people who recognise that an awakening is occurring as humanity evolves to a higher more elevated level of consciousness. The Paradigm Shift movement is an expression of the goal of assisting humanity transform to a new level of awareness during this critical transition.

Anthony feels a deep gratitude to live as a spiritual practitioner. He enjoys communicating this critical message and continues to help inspire others to make choices to maximise their own happiness while developing the tranquility of inner peace, presence and true wisdom. 

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