Lifestyle / Spirituality
The power of gratitude

Gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratus, which means ‘thankful’ or ‘pleasing’. It is our experience of receiving a gift. Every language has the word for giving thanks. It is a universal experience for all of humanity. We all know and understand how to give thanks.
Gratitude is a choice we make each day.
We can choose to take our life and all of the beautiful things in it for granted or we can choose appreciation. If we look for something to give thanks for we will always find it. Our focus determines whether we experience gratefulness and joy or experience jealousy and in turn compare our self to others, which often invites disappointment.
Shifting focus towards everything good and positive
Practicing gratitude instantly shifts our focus towards everything that is good and positive in our life. It is a technique that is significant in positive psychology as ultimately what we focus on we feel.
Connecting to your heart chakra
This simple practice can have powerful results. Gratitude will also directly connect us to our heart and assists in the activation of our heart chakra – anahata chakra. This feeling of spontaneous joy, love and inspired living is a very high state of consciousness and gratitude can act as a doorway through which we enter to experience this state.
Gratitude as medicine
Furthermore, gratitude can reduces stress, increase well-being and happiness, strengthen the immune system, provide better sleep, assist to experience more positive emotions and is an overall invitation to appreciation and peace.
Tune into all that is good
Gratitude is an essential aspect to a happy life. If we are not content and happy with the good things that we already have in our life, then why would having more make us any happier? It is illogical to have this view. Appreciation connects us to have thanks and then we are more attuned to all that is good and we see that our cup is overflowing rather than empty.
Develop an attitude of gratitude and watch your inner landscape transform.
Ask yourself – what do I have to be grateful for?
See, it’s easy!
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius