What inspires you?

We all seek to be inspired. It is the magic of life. Yet where does this magic come from? The word inspiration is derived from Latin, which means to breathe, to blow into. Inspiration is the life force itself. It is life giving and it is the breath when it is full.
I often feel inspired from music, film, nature, art, travelling, meditation, ideas and concepts as well as the experience of life itself. It can be as simple as going for a ride on my bike at sunset and enjoying the senses when I am fully present in the moment. Inspiration for the journey of life can also be found in unexpected situations.
A rewarding experience
I recently decided to make a compilation video of the many testimonials that we receive at our various events. I sat and watched many, many video testimonials of amazing people sharing themselves with a very heartfelt sincerity. This video is available fro you to watch on the homepage.
I found this process to be a truly amazing experience, watching so many people express their gratitude for what they had received and more importantly what the experience had done for them and how they have changed. I found myself watching some of the testimonials more than once. It was deeply inspiring. It gave me a lot of inspiration for my own personal journey. I also experienced a state of deep gratitude for being able to offer these events and witness the genuine transformation of so many people from so many diverse backgrounds.
It was truly rewarding to see how deep this process was going. I often see peoples faces change becoming softer and more at peace, somehow emanating more light. I can also see the wonderful effects and the beautiful states of consciousness that the participants are leaving with after a workshop or a retreat. It is a true gift to offer this.
Ask yourself, what can I do to become more inspired? And now take the necessary action for these thoughts to become a living reality in your life.