This changing world

We live in a time of continual change. We see it everywhere in all aspects of society. This era is characterised by social, political, economic and environmental global change. Ultimately this is a reflection of the inner turmoil that many of us are experiencing. The world as we see it with its various challenges are an inner expression of the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole. I see this continually in the coaching component of what I do as well as the various workshops, retreats and courses that we offer.
The one thing in common that all of these wonderful people understand is that they need to change their inner landscape. People realise that when they invest in themselves they are investing in their inner world. This is an ongoing and perennial experience. It never ends. This is a quality investment.
Your internal experience
When you only invest in external experiences often you are disappointed. But why? It is because these experiences are largely temporary and transient? When you learn to understand that when you shift your inner reality, your external world also changes. More calm means you experience greater peace in all situations. The emotions that you experience continually define your reality. What you are doing when you experience those emotions is always secondary to your inner experience.
Then why do so many people focus on the external reality as a means to happiness? It is because they are not aware that what is going on internally will define what they experience externally. We need to turn inwards to experience deeper fulfillment to engage in the rhythm of life and to meet the challenges that the various events of today bring. The saying that we cannot control the direction of the wind but we can adjust our sails offers us some profound wisdom.
It all begins with you
You create our reality. And this reality begins from within. Your external world simply mirrors this internal experience. If you decide to create something it begins with a thought, an idea – the essence of an internalised experience. When you manifest this in the world it becomes externalised. It is a simple as baking a cake or making a playlist. It is the act of creation that begins from within.
The practice of yoga, meditation, relaxation, mindfulness and presence all begin with your inner world. You connect directly with the deeper aspects of your being. These practices enable you to move with the changes, to become resilient under pressure and to adapt to an ever-changing world. Change is inevitable. Yoga teaches you to respond to the challenges of life instead of reacting to them. Responding is empowering it gives you the ability to make conscious choice. Reacting is habitual and effectively makes you robotic. There is no choice. You are essentially on auto-pilot. Empower yourself through the practice of yoga and meditation and enjoy the fruits of a more conscious, empowered and positive life.
Enjoy this ever-changing reality and learn to bend like bamboo instead of breaking like a branch!