Lifestyle / Tantra / Spirituality
Are you in love with yourself?
My journey into spirituality is approaching the 20 year-mark. During this time, I realise more and more that the most profound truths are the simplest. The one theme that I continually return to is love and in particular self-love.
We all seek connection to our tribe, family and our own true nature.
The opposite of connection is separation, which is an unfortunate feature of modern living that we all experience in different aspects from time to time. The greatest feeling of inclusion that we can experience is in the form of love. This inclusion is unconditional and embraces an acceptance that is based on who we are and has no relevance to money, possessions or social status.
Yet it is this deep inner longing for connection that initiates a journey of discovery where we look to the external world to provide us with a sense of belonging and an identity that takes the shape of a career, socio-economic status, friendships etc that all combine to produce a ‘persona’ or mask.
We never seem to find the depth of what we are seeking.
Through these pursuits, we never seem to find the depth of what we are seeking. There always seems to be something missing. This feeling of being incomplete is actually a state of disconnection with your true self. This can never be found in your outer world. It can only be discovered by journeying within. Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world.
Your self-talk and how you relate to yourself carries with it an enormous power as thoughts become things. If you have not found a deep love for yourself the external world will simply mirror this lack.
Yet you can change.
By becoming aware of how life is reflecting your inner state, you can become empowered to create conscious change. Always use positive self-talk to create a positive inner landscape. Your inner attitude is providing the direction the universe will respond to and what you are creating through this inner dialogue. The universe will simply respond to the signal that you send out. You are the creator, the one that initiates that signal. To experience a beautiful, fulfilling life, you must first ask for it.
Your inner world.
By becoming conscious of your inner world, you can give yourself encouragement, support and become your own best friend. When you reach a state of deeper inner containment, you are no longer dependent on the outer world for confirmation of your self-worth or self-confidence. You will spontaneously develop a greater level of resilience and you can love your life with a sense of completeness that is independent of your external circumstances.
When you ask the following questions –
How can I get more recognition in the world?
How can I become more confident?
How can I feel more at peace?
How can I connect with the true nature of my being?
Through this contemplation you will begin to realise that the answer to all of these questions is self-love and at the very essence of your being is love and only love.
I invite you to explore your hearts journey with me at Nourishing the Feminine Heart Retreat. This life-changing experience includes yoga, meditation, deep awakening practices, numerous 'a-ha' moments, dynamic dance-meditations, lots of laughter and delectable nourishments both for tummy, heart and soul.
For more info see
With love