Lifestyle / Spirituality
The power of silence

The timeless saying, speech is silver but silence is golden has considerable merit. The word noise is actually derived from Latin which means ‘pain’ or ‘distress’. Yet in today’s world noise is continuous and a standard component of modern living.
Yet silence is a simple quality that we can all access. It connects us with our inner wisdom and our inner truth.
Science has studied the effects of silence for decades and has discovered some profound findings. A study that was published in the journal – Brain, Science and Function observed mice that experienced two hours of complete silence each day. The study observed that the mice began to develop new cells in the hippocampus of the brain, which is the part of the brain connected to learning new things, retaining memory and processing emotions.
Another study published in JAMA investigated the effects of silence on sleep. The participants who practised only 20 minutes of silence each day had deeper levels of sleep with reduced insomnia.
Other studies indicate that changes in heart and respiratory rates and other physiological processes occur from only a few moments of silence. Moreover, some preliminary studies indicate that silence can even help overcome trauma, PTSD and other mental health issues. The amygdala, which is connected to memory formation and emotion, is activated by noise and produces stress hormones. Silence has the reverse effects and releases both oxytocin and serotonin, which both reduce stress and increase overall well being.
Silence also connects us to our inner compass. When we tune into our inner stillness we can often solve issues that are troubling us or gain some clarity over a course of action or an important decision.
It is in the silence that inner peace is discovered and the endless chatter of the mind fades into the background. The inner critic is softened and as the continual stimulation and rumination of the mind slows, the stillness emerges. This peace was always there but it is too often camouflaged through the fluctuations, worries, fears and concerns of the mind. Yet with the right tools and a supportive environment, the silence is accessible for us all.
This is one of the key features of our annual Easter retreat and in 2018 we are celebrating our tenth year. This is our silent retreat for the year. At the conclusion of the period of silence, the participants continually reflect that it is the silence in the nature that is one of the highlights of the entire experience and a soothing balm for the mind.
There is a power in the silence. And the power comes from the inner peace that is dwelling within, patiently waiting for us to discover this beautiful treasure if we only give ourselves a real chance to experience this profound gift.
Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom. – Francis Bacon